LightningXchange’s over the counter cryptocurrency trading platform provides high-liquidity trading options for individuals and institutional investors.
Quick Verification
Get approved instantly and begin OTC trading
cryptocurrencies with LightningXchange today.
Immediate Transfers
Receive instant on-chain transactions and
private keys in minutes.
On-Call Investor Support
Around the clock support from trading
specialists via email and telephone.
Flexible Purchase Limits
Buy Bitcoin through bank wire with $5,000 minimum
and $1,000,000+ transaction limits for approved customers.
Trade Altcoins
Purchase several cryptocurrencies including
Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum with more coins to come!
LightningXchange is an industry leader in cryptocurrency
security and compliance.
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Founded in 2014, LightningXchange has 30 years of combined experience in capital markets, compliance, and cryptocurrencies. Our team of financial and Bitcoin experts has previously worked with organizations such as Coinbase, Charles Schwab, HighTower Advisors, and American Express.
Our platform enables trading across a wide range of cryptocurrencies including Bitcoin, Litecoin, and Ethereum. At LightningXchange, it is our mission to provide our investors with deep liquidity, personalized cryptocurrency trading support, and the highest standard of security and compliance.